(Updated 02/17/2021)

We have designed and implemented plans to maximize your safety, the safety and security of our staff, and the safety of our medically vulnerable patients.  We have invested a tremendous amount of thought, time, and resources into doing things right. As always, we care about not only your safety but also your overall experience with us.

When you visit, you will notice physical plant upgrades (plexiglass barriers, extensive HEPA filtration, ultraviolet air cleaners, high tech temperature scanners, advanced PPE, social distancing office flow, and more).

Physical measures, however, are only part of the solution. Due to the close-up, personal nature of our services, we have also re-engineered our office processes to maximize respiratory safety.

Below are outlined some of the steps we will be taking, and are asking you to take, at each visit until this pandemic has ebbed. Please familiarize yourself with them so you will know what to expect when we welcome you back.

Thank you for your patience with us, and your trust in us, as we navigate this COVID-19 pandemic together!


Dr. Nayak, Avani, and the Staff of NPS/ADS

Making appointments

The best, fastest, and easiest way to schedule, move, or cancel appointments is to text our main phone number at (314) 991-5438. You will reach the same friendly team receptionists as when you call, but you will receive faster, more convenient service. You can also still call if you prefer, or email inquiry@nayak.net.


  • Please stay at home if you are not feeling well. We will gladly reschedule your visit.
  • Please wear your own mask or face covering to the office, and cover both your mouth and nose at all times unless instructed otherwise by our staff. Our staff is exposed, close up, to multiple patients per day. Strictly limiting their mask-free interaction time helps minimize their risk. Our staff and their families are very grateful for your understanding.
  • We have reopened our lobby at low seating density. Please wear your mask while you wait.

Please Note

  • We are limiting building occupancy.  To minimize the number of people in our building, we are not allowing guests or children in the office. We apologize for the inconvenience. Surgical and lollipop sedation patients may have one chaperone at drop off and pick up. 
  • To minimize foot traffic, maximize appointment availability for everyone, and minimize the potential for COVID contamination, all filler syringes are now “single visit use only.” Without exception, we will no longer be saving fillers or offering any touch-up visits. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Open House specials redemption window has been extended!

We are extending your time to use any 2019 open house specials through 3/31/21. After that time, all pre-purchased specials will expire. The cash value you paid will convert to non-expiring credit on your account valid for in-store purchases only.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding while we strive to deliver exceptional service and maintain safety for you and our staff!